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At Mindset Doula Services, I am dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate support to expectant mothers and their families. Our core values, represented by the MINDSET acronym, guide my approach to care, ensuring that every client receives the highest level of support and empowerment throughout their journey.


Contact me today to learn more about my services and how I can support you on your unique path to motherhood.


A doula offers support, both physically and emotionally, along with valuable information to mothers throughout their journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Their aim is to empower mothers, ensuring they have the healthiest and most fulfilling experience possible.

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I'm so glad you're here! My name is Macy Hamilton and I am a mom to two beautiful boys, and wife to my amazing husband, Ramsey. We live right outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma and help run a regenerative pig farm along side my family! I am also a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and passionate about all things health and wellness. 


I understand that the transformative journey into motherhood can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. After the birth of my second baby, I felt called to offer support, encouragement, and advocacy for other women on their journey.

My goal for Mindset Doula Services is to offer an unwavering support system, guiding you through every step of the way, and empowering you to make informed decisions that align with your desires and values.



Free consultation option is designed to help you determine if my doula service is the perfect fit for your needs. During this session, we will discuss your expectations, answer any questions you may have, and ensure that we align in terms of values and approach, ensuring a strong and harmonious partnership throughout your pregnancy and birth journey.



Experience comprehensive support throughout your pregnancy and birth journey with our Pregnancy + Birth Support Package. Enjoy 24/7 contact support, along with our valuable Resources Package, including a Pregnancy Nutrition Guide and Affirmation Cards. We'll assist you in preparing a personalized Birth Plan, provide unwavering support and encouragement during labor, and even offer a postpartum visit to ensure a smooth transition into motherhood.



The Postpartum Support Package offers comprehensive care to help you navigate the beautiful journey of motherhood. With 24/7 contact support, I provide guidance on breastfeeding, newborn care, and emotional well-being. Additionally, I offer practical assistance with household tasks and even prepare one nourishing meal, ensuring you feel supported and nurtured during this precious postpartum period.



I am thrilled to offer the ultimate Birth + Postpartum Support Package, combining all of our comprehensive services at a discounted bundle price. This all-inclusive package ensures that you have the utmost care and support throughout your entire journey into motherhood.



Discover our comprehensive Resources Package, featuring a Pregnancy Nutrition Guide, Sample Meal Plans, Birth Plan templates, and Affirmation Cards for labor. Empower yourself with valuable tools and resources to nourish your body, make informed decisions, and maintain a positive mindset throughout your pregnancy and birth journey.


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